YoshimiOを中心に、1995年より活動。 聴こえたり聴こえなかったり、律動したりしなかったり、そして、なんにも音がしなかったり。 好きな音が鳴って消えてゆくまでの瞬間と空気を拾い集めて繋いだ、OOIOOという音楽の演奏集団。 細胞が抱える内宇宙のように、各々が振動し自己を鳴らしながら、 1つの生命を成してゆく共鳴する集合体の姿。
OOIOO was founded by YoshimiO in 1995.
The members came together as musicians who move freely between the audible and inaudible, rhythm and non-rhythm, noise and silence.
The music they create is a collection of the moments and essence of their favorite sounds that they captured, as they come into being until they disappear into the ether.
Just as each cell in the body consists of a microcosm of its own, the vibrations of each of the members resonate together to create a new life form.